The Plane
The Extra 330SC (single competition)
is the top of the range awesome aerobatic aircraft with +10/-10 G limits. G-IIHI, it is one of the first of its type to be built, its serial number is 008 and it is entirely in a class of its own. It is fitted with the newly certified Lycoming AE10-580 engine which has been specifically developed for high performance aerobatic aircraft. The engine produces an impressive 315hp (580 cubic inches but only turning at 2700 rpm) which when you consider there is no ground resistance, is quite incredible. Its maximum diving speed is 418 km/h and it has an incredibly fast roll rate of 420 degrees per second. The power to weight ratio is nearly 1:1 which means if the weather conditions are right, the aircraft can be seen to hover and in the right hands, it really does performs manoeuvres that should not be possible! Every flight can be a new adventure trying new figures and combinations. Mark Jefferies is one of the few pilots that can fly this aircraft to its limits! As well as its sporty paint scheme, the Extra 330SC has a unique smoke system fitted which enables smoke to be “pulsed” out, offering something different to air show audiences.
With the latest technology cameras fitted to the aircraft, live footage can be transmitted to large display screens giving the audience a bird’s eye view of the event. Cameras can be fitted anywhere on the aircraft, including inside the cockpit which gives a very interesting perspective of the world. Footage can be given directly to TV news channels to report on and promote the event or can be used later for promotional material, this is especially important when flying International for TV crews who may not have the experience of rigging cameras on aircraft. The system relies upon a good 4G or 5G service. Alternatively a recording to SD or SSD can be made to record you show for years to come ! Both these options come at additional cost.